Contract terms in English


The pawn ticket contains entries in accordance with the provisions of section 17 of the Act on pawnbroking institutions, such as the serial number of the loan, the date of pawning, the due date of the loan, the loan principal, the interest, the amount of the loan, and the amount of compensation equivalent to the loan costs resulting from the loan and pawning. The interest and other aforementioned loan costs are also recorded on the pawn ticket in monetary terms. In addition, the ticket includes information about the quality and quantity of the pawn, and if necessary, measurements and weight, and the name of the pawner if the pawn loan was made to a named person. Only the pawner can redeem a named pawn loan. The pawn ticket also includes an entry of the actual annual interest rate of the loan in the manner required by the consumer protection law.

If the pawn ticket is lost, the person from whom the ticket has been lost must immediately report the loss and explain when and how the loss occurred, either at the loan office of Takuupantti Oy or logged into the online service.

When the customer reports the loss of their pawn ticket, they are given a new copy of the loan receipt, which entitles them to manage the loan for the period recorded on the pawn ticket and at the same time nullifies the validity of the original pawn ticket. A loss report does not need to be made for a named pawn ticket.

The recipient of the pawn loan is responsible for ensuring that they are authorized to pawn the items serving as collateral for the loan.

Loan terms

Takuupantti Oy conducts pawnbroking operations under the supervision of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland, which involves granting cash loans against movable tangible pawns in accordance with the provisions set out in the law on pawnbroking institutions, as required by the current service price list and under the following conditions:

  1. A pawn loan can only be granted to an adult (age 18 or over). Takuupantti Oy’s customer is obliged to provide their name, home address, and personal identification number, as well as to prove their identity every time they do business.

  2. The minimum amount of a pawn loan to be granted is €20. Takuupantti Oy may refuse to grant a loan without giving a reason.

  3. When the pawn ticket has been transferred to a named person, both the transferor and the transferee must notify Takuupantti Oy of the transfer, under penalty of the transferee losing their right to redeem the pawn.

  4. Takuupantti Oy has the right, in accordance with this pawn ticket, to charge interest on the pawn loan granted as well as compensation equivalent to the costs arising from the loan and pawning, according to the service price list in effect at the time of signing. The loan interest and other loan costs are charged retrospectively at the time of redemption of the loan, renewal, or sale of the pawn. The amount of compensation equivalent to interest and other loan costs will not be changed to the detriment of the borrower during the loan period.

  5. The holder of the pawn ticket has the right to redeem the pawn before the loan is due by paying the loan principal, interest, and other agreed loan costs. The loan can be renewed by paying the interest due by then, other agreed loan costs, and possible compensation for costs arising from sales preparation. Takuupantti Oy has the right to demand a reduction of the loan principal at the time of renewal. A new pawn ticket will be issued to the holder of the pawn ticket upon renewal. After the renewal, the current service price list will be applied to the pawn loan.

  6. If the pawn is not redeemed or the loan renewed by the due date at the latest, Takuupantti Oy has the right to begin sales preparation and to charge a fee for the costs incurred in accordance with the current service price list.

  7. Unless the borrower has explicitly prohibited it in writing, a reminder letter, email, or text message will be sent to the address provided to Takuupantti Oy by the customer due to the expired loan. Takuupantti Oy is not responsible for the correctness of the contact details provided. Once the letter has been properly delivered to the custody of a company performing mail or postal transportation services or sent electronically to the customer, Takuupantti Oy is not responsible for any damages caused by the letter, text message or email reaching or failing to reach its destination. Despite the borrower’s prohibition, a reminder letter must be sent according to Section 21, Subsection 2 of the Law on Pawnbroking Institutions when shares entitling to manage an apartment, intended solely or primarily for the borrower’s residence, have been given as pawn.

  8. Takuupantti Oy may not sell the pawn earlier than one month after the due date of the loan unless the holder of the pawn ticket gives consent to sell the pawn earlier. If shares entitling to manage an apartment, intended solely or primarily for the borrower’s residence, have been given as pawn, Takuupantti Oy may sell the pawn at the earliest two (2) months after the borrower has been notified of the expiry of the loan in the manner required by Section 21, Subsection 2 of the Law on Pawnbroking Institutions.

  9. An expired, unredeemed pawn is sold at a public auction in Turku. One month after the due date of the loan, the pawn is transferred to Turku for sale preparation. However, the shares specified in the previous point must, at the borrower’s request or if owned by someone other than the borrower, be sold through a real estate agent. Takuupantti Oy is entitled to charge the costs of selling the pawn in accordance with the applicable service price list. As long as the pawn has not yet been sold, the holder of the pawn ticket has the right to redeem the pawn by paying Takuupantti Oy the loan principal, interest and other agreed loan costs, as well as compensation for the costs of sale preparation. If the loan has been renewed or redeemed during sale preparation, the pawn will return to the loan office at the earliest three weeks after the last care day indicated in the expiry notice. After this, the redeemed pawn can be collected from the loan office without additional charges within 14 days. After this, a charge according to the current service price list will be collected for the uncollected pawn. If the customer wants the pawn earlier than this deadline, a charge for sending the items will be collected according to the current price list. Takuupantti Oy may buy the pawn for itself at a public auction and has the right to resell the items thus acquired. Takuupantti Oy can buy the item for itself at the base price if no offer has been made for the item at a public auction, and it has the right to resell the items thus acquired.

  10. According to Section 25, paragraph 1 of the Act on Pawnshops, Takuupantti Oy will inform the borrower or transferee without undue delay of any surplus resulting from the sale of the pawn, if the surplus is €50 or more. Takuupantti Oy pays the surplus to the holder of the pawn ticket or to the person who, according to section 27 of the Act on Pawnshops, would have been able to redeem the pawn. The claim for payment of the surplus must be presented within one year from the date of sale of the pawn, on the penalty that otherwise the right to the surplus will transfer to Takuupantti Oy. A charge according to the current service price list will be collected for sending the surplus notice to the customer.

  11. Pawns, excluding securities, are insured against fire, water, burglary, and robbery damage up to twice the amount of the loan given against the pawn. Securities are insured for their cancellation and renewal costs.

  12. In order to resolve disputes arising from these terms and conditions, Takuupantti Oy’s customer has the right to bring an action against Takuupantti Oy in the District Court of the municipality in Finland where he or she has a permanent residence. If the customer does not have a permanent residence in Finland, disputes will be dealt with in the District Court of Varsinais-Suomi, the domicile of Takuupantti Oy. The terms and conditions are also available in Swedish and Finnish.

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